Saturday, December 28, 2013

This is bullshit.

So, this is goddamn bullshit.

I'm currently walking through the streets of Moscow, freezing my ass off, cause ya know, I happened to wake up in a tshirt and shorts.

How or why I'm here? No. Fucking. Clue.

Was awake on the 24th, solstice happened, apparently shit went down, and now it's the 28th and I'm in Moscow for christ sakes.

I swear Veigar does this shit on purpose.

It's cold, hard to breath, and people are giving me weird looks for my clothes being stained in blood.

OH YEAH! Forgot to mention. I woke up covered in blood, azoth, and I shit you not, black fire.

The fire went out quickly (don't know how I'm not sporting an infinite number of burns) but I had to get the blood and azoth off of me if I didn't want to have it freeze on me. So I found a water pipe, broke it, and let myself get drenched in freezing water.

I never said I was smart, or competent enough to have more than nonexistent hindsight.

So if any of you see a short, scrawny, wet brown haired adult in a shirt and shorts walking around Moscow cursing in english...

Congratulations, you've met the dumbass known as me.


  1. You should probably get help. Hypothermia sounds like a dumb way to die.

    1. Nope. Every time I get dizzy or start to fall unconscious my veins start burning like a friggin inferno and suddenly I'm warm again, for however long it last.

      I wonder what the next Deus Ex Machina will happen to me.


    2. Probably still want to avoid that. Relying on azoth isn't such a good idea.
