Thursday, August 22, 2013

9-16 17-9-20 15-4-'5 23-12-12 22-3-6-10-15-10-17 16-19-12-8 11-11-19 8-12-19-23-5-19 14-19-5-3-5 21-16-6-15-5-4 15-4-'5 23-12-12 20-25-15-10-17 18-15-6-19 20-19-23-4-16 22-3-10-13-19-6 21-9-12-12-23-8-5-15-10-17 18-3-21-13 18-3-21-13 18-3-21-13 18-3-21-13!

Let's play a game. You people have to crack this code in four weeks or he dies, it was his last message. I believe it was going to be sent to a miss Rose? Nevertheless, I will release a hint every week around this time except for the last one. The three after this beginning hint will be more complex.

Hint 1: Mix and Combine and it will all be revealed time.


  1. My previous comment did not seem to come through, so I am reposting. The message is: "OH GOD IT'S ALL BURNING HELP MME PLEASE JESUS CHRIST IT'S ALL DYING FIRE DEATH BUNKER COLLAPSING F*** F*** F*** F***!"

    Get a better code!

  2. *clicks stopwatch* ...aaaand roughly six hours. Four weeks was a bit optimistic, there.

    Now who are you and where is he?

  3. I'll second that. Where is he. Because I kinda like Veigar. JP aint bad either. I have amassed certain connections over my time, people who owe me favours or want something from me. I'm fairly sure it would be a mistake to think that they wouldn't be capable of finding you. And then, if you've hurt him, I will do my utmost to demonstrate unto you the pain of getting caught in a fire, aspirations towards nonviolence be damned. Not something I want to do, but I'll do it anyway.

    1. I'll second this. If you hurt JP and/or Veigar, Mysterious Crappy Code Person, prepare to have your shit fucked into your every crevice with a large rusty trowel.

    2. A.non.ymous C.ode S.olv.erAugust 22, 2013 at 7:09 PM

      I must admit I read that last word as 'towel'.

    3. Now it's going to be a towel.

  4. Eh, knew someone'd get it instantly. Gave you four weeks to see if you guys were REALLY dumb.

    You can call me Bill.

    And if you want to find JP? Heh. Better scour northern Wyoming for bunker remains.


    1. Billy-Bob, brief question. Do you actually have Veigar? Alive and unmaimed? Or is this some massive chainyank?

    2. Have? If you count causing the the bunker to burn and collapse with him trapped under rubble, then yes. Alive? Yes. Unmaimed? Ask the giant chunks of steel and stone.

      Chainyank? You think he wouldn't have done something to tell you yet?

      And I find it cute you're worrying more about the one that wasn't crushed by a high tech bunker.


    3. Oh, suuuuure, Bill, you knew someone would get it instantly. Yep. Definitely. I believe you.

      Well, surely if JP was crushed, Veigar would be too?

      Let me ask. Are you a proxy? Runner? Serving anyone?

  5. Woah woah woah...Sent to moi? Am I the "Rose" you're talking about?
