Sunday, August 25, 2013

I'm not afraid to admit it.

I was scared.

I was so fucking scared. Claustrophobia is a bitch.

The bunker started burning and collapsing in ways that shouldn't have been possible for it. Giant chunks of steel and solid stone falling everywhere, trapping me inside. By the end of the destruction I was squished in the tiniest of spaces possible without being killed. Veigar wasn't talking or doing shiet.

So I just sat there the whole time, thinking about everything I regretted.

I never got to say goodbye to my parents, sisters, or friends.

I never got to thank Iota and Theta, for everything.

I never got to visit new places, or enjoy life to it's fullest.

And I never got to produce Everybody Loves Morningstar.

That's not everything but it was all of the non super personal stuff. I could feel every breath get harder from the oxygen being depleted.

And as I could feel all the air finally leave the little crevice in, Epsilon lifted one of the chunks keeping me wedged in there off. When I looked up he and Eta (blegh) were standing there, Epsilon emotionless as usual and Eta having his permanent smug as fuck grin on his face.

E: "Well well well, if it isn't little JP, got trapped again?"

Me: "Eta, you, cactus, go fuck yourself with it."

The rest of the conversation was more insults that ended with me punching him in the face with my robot hand.

After that I noticed Epsilon holding someone in his gargantuan hands. He wore all black formal clothing along with a taller than average top hat (classy). His hair looked almost pure yellow, like a crayon was cut into hair strands, same with his eyes. I didn't catch his name then but I found it was Bill.

Me: "Hey, who's this dude?"

He looked at me.

B: "Hey there JP! Isn't nice to see you alive? Hope you didn't get hurt too bad, we got great plans for you kid. While I'd love to stay and chat with you chumps, I got places to be and shit to do. Farewell!"

He quickly melted into a stream of black sand that flew away in the wind.

So all of the group's back in America, I almost died, and I'm sitting in my room avoiding everyone. Pretty normal day over here.

Guess we've got to rebuild the Wyoming bunker now.

Soooo......anyone know any fear servants that turn into black sand?


  1. Closest I can think of off the top of my head is crimson knights changing into smoke...

    Glad you're alive, unharmed. You had me worried there.

  2. I'm glad you're alright. Question. Was that code supposed to be sent to me? Cause Bill said it was supposed to be sent to someone named Rose.

    1. The message was, it wasn't coded when I typed it. I typed it into skype when a chunk fell and crushed the computer. Don't know how Bill got it.

