Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What happened?

I'm royally confused right now.
You should be
Some guards from this group that got me came in and started dragging me somewhere. But as they were about to open a door there was a massive shriek and everything sort of twisted. One second the world looked like one of those black and white charcoal drawings, the next I saw a glimpse of the path, and then finally I was back in the alleyway I was kidnapped in.
Only halfway right
Seriously, what the fuck.
Language boy
It only took me so long to update after it happened because I wanted to get my bearings straight before I typed this up.
No, you were just lazy
I guess this is it until something else interesting happens.

But i have a sickening feeling this is the last time you'll here from me for a while. The 21'st is coming up fast and I know that Veigar wouldn't miss it for his own life.
Very true
Bye for now.

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