Saturday, December 8, 2012

I dun goofed

As the title may imply,

I goofed.

So I was in the process of going to the next town over when I heard some people behind me.

"You think we can find him at this hour?" People number 1 said.

"We should be able to, we have night vision goggles." People number 2 said.

Peoples number 3 through 10 didn't say anything. They just kept walking with 1 and 2.

I'm glad I'm pretty small so I was able to hide in an alley box easily. They almost walked right past me but a spider crawled onto my face and I gasped (don't judge, it was big!). #10 barely heard it and told 1 through 9 to come here. They lifted the box and I just gave them my best poker face.......I suck at poker......

"Get him boys." Said #1. Then everything went black.

So now I'm in a room......again......

Except, now don't get too excited now!

It was grey instead of white! I mean, WOW, the amount of originality should have killed me!

Plus there is no window and the bed (wooden bench) isn't the same color as the walls....

It's an improvement if you ask me.

They didn't take my stuff strangely enough. But that let me blog this, now didn't it.

I'll be studying every movement of the guards and any weak points in the room for now. Here's to me escaping again.

It's funny how I get a taste of freedom and instantly get caged again...


  1. Good job JP.

    No really excellently done.

    1. Meh. I probably would have lost control in 12 days anyway.

      21st. Winter Solstice. Day of reckoning. Blah blah blah.
